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Really nice! 

I really liked the setting and people from different planets having a consistent sense of culture, and love how there are some words that mean similar but slightly different things based on context. I saw the Guressca word 'bala' come up a few times, translated different ways but generally used for brushing someone off - these sort of words appear often in language but it's not something I actively notice day-to-day speaking to people. Seeing it here feels pretty immersive.

I really like the setting too. It feels like walking into an alien-version Macau casino bar, with the vaguely east-asian aesthetics taken to a glossy extreme. You do get the feeling that a lot of shady money moves through this place. Really distinctive.

OST is minimal but hits right. It's always a special feeling in these games when the music fades in when the world seems to open up.

Great stuff. I'm looking forward to what you make next.

Thank you! Good eye with the language details, they can be easy to miss


I wish you so much success with where you're going with this. I've watched a little bit of the playthrough and from the looks of it, it could use a lot more polish. A lot of things look static or don't have enough sounds. I know you're just in the development phase, wish you luck still.

Thank you for checking it out! Yeah it could definitely use more audio